Give Today — Ladybug House

Your donation will help make this vision a reality!


We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by the law.

Our tax identification number is 90-1020508.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Other Ways to Give

Facebook Fundraiser

Got a Birthday...Anniversary...Graduation...New Arrival? Ask friends, family and loved ones to help commemorate your special day with a donation to Ladybug House

  • Go to our Facebook page Ladybug House Click on 'Create Fundraiser'

  • Fill out the name of the celebration, dates, goal and description (or keep the defaults)

  • The post will appear on yours and our FB page for all to see - DONE!

All donations made in the name of your occasion will go directly to Ladybug House.

Shopping at AmazonSmile

When you shop AmazonSmile, Amazon gives Ladybug House something to smile about.

Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Ladybug House AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service. Support Ladybug House by doing your online shopping at Amazon Smile.

Shop at Fred Meyer

Your trips to the grocery store can mean some “bread” for Ladybug House.

Please take a few moments to select Ladybug House in the Community Rewards program on your Rewards card account. It costs you nothing but the couple of minutes it takes to do this, and you'll be helping Ladybug House to make the lives of children with life-shortening conditions and their families better every time you shop at Fred Meyer and use your Rewards card.

Click on the image to the right for instructions.

eBay for Charity

Shopping on eBay? Did you know you can now donate proceeds to Ladybug House?

Add Ladybug House as your Favorite charity on eBay. You can directly donate to our cause when you purchase on eBay.

Next time you buy from eBay, Favorite Ladybug House and consider rounding your purchase up in eBay Checkout to support our cause! Every little bit counts.

Employee Matching Programs

We are fortunate to be supported by companies that match employee's financial donations, dollar-for-dollar. Ladybug House is a proud participant in many employee giving programs. Some examples include: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Boeing, Disney, Microsoft, Symetra, and United Health Group.

Check with your employer to see if they will match your monetary donation. Maximize your impact by using your organization's employee match program. They may even match your volunteer hours too!

Mail Us a Check!

Ladybug House
1215 4th Ave Suite 1200
Seattle, WA 98161

There are other ways to help
without giving money

Help Spread The Word

Become an advocate by telling your friends, family, and community about Ladybug House. There's no better way to make an impact!

Please email with prospective volunteer inquiries.